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Document Conversion Service 3.0

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A command line utility to extract information from the results log files. One of the switch arguments must always be specified. If more than one switch is found, the first one is always used. The information extracted is sent to standard out.


DCSExtractResults [/s] [/C] [/E] file

The results log files are created by the the following command line utilities:






Sample Command Lines

Extract a list of all files created to standard out:

DCSExtractResults /C "Document.doc.succeeded.dcsresults"

Extract a list of all files created from the Document.doc.succeeded.dcsresults log file and sends the information to the console through standard output.


Extract a list of all errors into a text file:

DCSExtractResults /E "C:\Test\Output\Document.doc.failed.dcsresults" > "C:\Test\Errors.txt"

Extract a list of any errors from the Document.doc.failed.dcsresults log file and saves them in the text file C:\Test\Errors.txt.


Extract the source file name of a failed conversion result file:

DCSExtractResults /S "C:\Test\Output\Document.doc.failed.dcsresults" >> "C:\Test\Failed.txt"

Extracts the source file name from the Document.doc.failed.dcsresults file and appends it into the text file C:\Test\CreatedFiles.txt.


Command Line Arguments

Command line switches are not case-sensitive and can be entered in either upper or lower case.

/S - Extract the source file names

Extracts the source file information from the conversion results log file. For DCSConvertFileList and DCSCombineFiles this can be more than one file.


/C - Extract the created file names

Extracts the list of created files, if any, from the conversion results log file.


/E - Extract the errors

Extracts the list of errors, if any, from the conversion results log file.


/? - Display Help

When passed as the only argument this switch will display help for this command.



The full path to the file to the conversion results log file