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Document Conversion Service 3.0

Navigation: Conversion Settings

General Converter Options

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These options can be used with any of the converters installed with Document Conversion Service. Table values in bold text are the default value for that setting.


Sample Profile


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<Profile Type="0"

         DisplayName="TIFF 300dpi First3PagesOnly "

         Description ="Prints only the first three pages.">



    <!-- Print first three pages only -->

    <add Name="PageRange" Value="1-3"/>


    <!-- Output file options -->

    <add Name="Devmode settings;Resolution" Value="300"/>

    <add Name="Save;Output File Format" Value="TIFF Multipaged"/>






Conversion Settings




The page numbers and page ranges to include in the output file. Separate each number and range with a comma. For example, "1, 3, 5-7" prints page 1 and 3 and pages 5 through 7. Numbers in the page range exceeding the page count of the source document are ignored.



The string representing the page range.




Sets the maximum number of pages that are allowed to be printed/spooled. Documents larger than this set page limit will not convert.



The string representing the maximum number of pages allowed.




Sets the maximum number of spooled pages greater than the document page count that is allowed to be printed. Documents larger than this set page limit will not convert. This is often used to manage a single extra page created by duplex printing forced by the document. It can also occur with mail merge documents and PDF files that use Javascript. For PDF files, use the Adobe.PDF.Javascript.Enable setting instead.


When not set (default), or set to 0, the conversion will fail if the number of spooled pages is greater than the document page count.



The string representing the maximum number of pages allowed.




When true, file names passed in will be checked for normalization and normalized when necessary. This means that the new output file name, if not specified, will be the normalized filename.

The default is to not normalize the filename.


This is needed for foreign file name where some international characters are represented using diacritics. A diacritic is a glyph added to a letter; they are used to change the sound of the letter to which they are added. Some examples of a diacritic are the accent grave (‘) and acute (’) in the French language.



Pass true to normalize file names if necessary.




Applies only when using the command line tools (/D switch) and the PEERNET.ConvertUtility methods.


The Document Conversion Service must be running, either locally or on a remote computer for files or folders of files to be converted. If it is not running the PEERNET.ConvertUtility methods or command line tools it will all return immediately with an error.  To wait for Document Conversion Service to be running instead of failing to convert the files, use this setting to pass the desired wait timeout value down. If Document Conversion Service hasn't started after waiting the supplied amount if time, an error is returned.



The number of seconds to wait for Document Conversion Service to be running and ready to convert files.




Applies only when using the command line tools (/D switch) and when passing custom settings to the PEERNET.ConvertUtility methods.


By default when a conversion fails, a results file ending with .failed.dcsresults for the file that failed will be created in a .failed folder. To suppress the automatic creation of these files pass this setting as true. When using the PEERNET.ConvertUtility methods, the resultant items that are returned will contain the path to the results file.



Pass true to suppress the creation of these files.




Applies only when passing custom settings to the PEERNET.ConvertUtility methods.


By default when a conversion fails, a results file ending with .failed.dcsresults for the file that failed will be created in a .failed folder. Specifying a folder for this custom setting will override the default use of the .failed folder and store the failed results log files if the specified folder.



Pass the path to the folder in which to store the failed conversion results files.




Applies only when using the command line tools (/D switch) and the PEERNET.ConvertUtility methods.


By default a Smart Inspect console logging file (*.sil) is always created when a conversion runs. If the conversion is successful, the log file is normally deleted. If it fails, it is kept and copied to the Windows temp folder. To always keep this file, pass this setting as true. Overrides the variable KeepFailedProcessingLoggingFiles. When using the PEERNET.ConvertUtility methods, the results items that are returned will contain the path to the results file.



Pass true to always keep the logging file.




Applies only when using the command line tools (/D switch) and the PEERNET.ConvertUtility methods.


By default when a conversion fails, the Smart Inspect console logging file (*.sil) created as part of the conversion process is kept and copied to the Windows temp folder. To have these files deleted even when the conversion fails, pass this setting as true. When using the PEERNET.ConvertUtility methods, the results items that are returned will contain the path to the results file.



Pass true to delete these files when the conversion is finished even if the conversion has failed.




Applies only when using the command line tools (/D switch) and the PEERNET.ConvertUtility methods.


Controls the formatting of the name of the date and time subfolder used internally by the conversion utility in the staging and working folders for file conversion, as well as in naming the internal logging files (*.sil). This setting would only need to be altered if you are dealing with very long folder and file path names that exceed the 255 character path limit, as a way of reducing the internally created paths so that they do not exceed the maximum path length.


When set to FALSE, or not provided, the folder name follows the pattern '2016_03_31_2_38_46_PM'. The compressed format is shorter, and uses a 24-hour time format, giving a folder following the pattern '20160331143846'.



Pass true to use the shorter, numerical format.