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The PNCombineItem class contains information about the original file combine (append) request, a list of the output files created, and an inner list of PNConversionResult items for each file included as part of the combine operation.

This class is used by the CombineFiles method to return the results of document conversion and combination.

This is also the class that is serialized to disk to create the results log files that can optionally be created by the CombineFiles method. Several static methods for extracting information from the results log files on disk are provided.

Static Methods

Public Method   DeserializeFromXML

Deserialize the conversion results from a PNCombineItem serialized to disk as XML.

Public Method   GetCreatedFiles

Given a PNCombineItem serialized to disk as XML, returns a list of the files created in the results.

Public Method   GetErrors

Given a PNCombineItem serialized to disk as XML, returns a list of any errors in the results.

Public Method   GetInputFileNames

Given a PNCombineItem serialized to disk as XML, returns the list of source files passed to be combined together.


Public Method   HasErrors

Returns True if errors occurred during the conversion, False otherwise.

Public Method   SerializeToXML

Serialize the file combine results to a file on disk.


Public Property   CombinedOutputFileList

Read-only; The list of files created; this can be one or more depending on the output format chosen.

Public Property   ConversionItems

Read-only; The list of PNConversionResult items for each file in the combine set.

Public Property   ConversionLogFilePath

Read-only; the path to the logging file for this combination item.

Public Property   ConversionResultsFilePath

Read-only; the path to the .dcsresults file for this combination item.

Public Property   Errors

Read-only; A collection of any errors that occurred during the convert and combine process.

Public Property   InputFiles

Read-only; The collection of source files used as input into the combine call.

Public Property   OutputBaseName

Read-only; The base name used to name the combined file or files.

Public Property   OutputDirectory

Read-only; The directory in which the combined file or files were created.

Public Property   Settings

Read-only; A List<PNSetting> collection of the conversion settings used to create the output files.