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The PNConversionItem class contains information about the original conversion request and the results of the conversion in an inner PNConversionResult property. This class is used by ConvertFile, ConvertFileList and ConvertFolder to return the results of document conversion.

This is also the class that is serialized to disk to create the results log files that can optionally be created by the ConvertFile, ConvertFileList and ConvertFolder methods. Several static methods for extracting information from the results log files on disk are provided.

Static Methods

Public Method   DeserializeFromXML

Deserialize the conversion results from a PNConversionItem serialized to disk as XML.

Public Method   GetCreatedFiles

Returns a list of the files created from a PNConversionItem serialized to disk as XML.

Public Method   GetErrors

Returns a list of the errors from a PNConversionItem serialized to disk as XML.

Public Method   GetSourceFileName

Returns the source file used from a PNConversionItem serialized to disk as XML.


Public Method   GetConversionStatus

Returns the conversion status as one of PNConvertResultStatus strings.

Public Method   HasErrors

Returns True if errors occurred during the conversion, False otherwise.

Public Method   SerializeToXML

Serialize the conversion results to a file on disk.


Public Property   ConversionResult

Read-only; A PNConvertResultStatus string enumeration of the conversion status.

Public Property   ConversionLogFilePath

Read-only; the path to the logging file for this conversion item.

Public Property   ConversionResultsFilePath

Read-only; the path to the .dcsresults file for this conversion item.

Public Property   ConverterPlugInList

Read-only; The list of converters that Document Conversion Service chose from to convert the file.

Public Property   OutputBaseName

Read-only; The base name used to name the converted files.

Public Property   OutputDirectory

Read-only; The directory in which the converted files were created.

Public Property   Settings

Read-only; A List<PNSetting> collection of the conversion settings used to create the output files.

Public Property   SourceFileExtension

Read-only; The extension of the source file that was used to determine what converter Document Conversion Service used to convert the file.

Public Property   SourceFileMimeType

Reserved for future use.

Public Property   SourceFilePath

Read-only; The source file that was converted.