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PNConverter is the main class in the PEERNET.ConvertUtility .NET library. It contains all of the methods that you will use to convert files, folders of files and list of files in your application code.

It also contains the method IsConversionServiceRunning that allows you to synchronize with the Document Conversion Service being running and ready to convert.


Public Method   ConvertFile

Converts a single file, using the suppplied conversion settings, to the specified output folder. Can optionally specify a custom name.

Public Method   ConvertFileList

Converts a list of files. Uses the PNConvertFileInfo class to build the list of files.

Public Method   ConvertFolder

Converts all files in the folder that match the given file extension filter. Can optionally recurse into subdirectories.

Public Method   CombineFiles

Combines the list of files into a single, multipaged output file. Supports TIFF and PDF output.

Public Method   CombineFolder

Combines all files in the folder, and optionally all subfolders into a single, multipaged output file. Supports TIFF and PDF output.

Public Method   IsConversionServiceRunning

Query if Document Conversion Service is running. The service must be running, either locally or remotely on another computer for conversion to take place.