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These options control the orientation, resolution, color mode and paper size of the output file. You can also choose to split multipage files based on the number of pages per file or a file size threshold. Table values in bold text are the default value for that setting.



Code Sample - C#

PNDocConvQueueServiceLib.PNDocConvQueueItem item = null;
// Create the conversion item
item = new PNDocConvQueueServiceLib.PNDocConvQueueItem();
// Set conversion settings

item.Set("Devmode settings;Resolution", "300");

item.Set("Save;Output File Format""TIFF Serialized");

item.Set("Save;Color reduction""BW");

// convert the file
item.Convert("Microsoft Word",


Code Sample - VB.NET


Dim item As PNDocConvQueueServiceLib.IPNDocConvQueueItem


 ' Create the conversion item

item = New PNDocConvQueueServiceLib.PNDocConvQueueItem()


' Set conversion settings

item.Set("Devmode settings;Resolution""300")

item.Set("Save;Output File Format""TIFF Serialized")



item.Set("Save;Color reduction""BW")


' convert the file

item.Convert("Microsoft Word", _

             "C:\Test\Report.docx", _




Conversion Settings - Save


Save;Use JobID


Use the driver JobID when creating the file name. The driver stores an internal number that is automatically incremented for each print job.



0 - Do not include JobID in file name.

1 - Include JobID in file name.





Append the new images to an existing file name or sequence.



0 - Do not append, output is a new file.

1 - Output is appended to existing file or sequence.



Save;Output directory



The output directory path in which to save the image.


Save;Output filename



Base file name excluding path and extension to use to name the file. Default is the document name submitted to print job.



Save;Output File Format


The type of file to create.



JPEG - JPEG (*.jpg)

TIFF Multipaged - TIFF Multipaged (*.tif)

TIFF Serialized - TIFF Serialized (*.tif)

Adobe PDF Multipaged - Adobe PDF Multipaged (*.pdf)

Adobe PDF Serialized -Adobe PDF Serialized (*.pdf)

CompuServe GIF - CompuServe GIF (*.gif)

CompuServe PNG - CompuServe PNG (*.png)

Windows BMP - Windows BMP (*.bmp)

TARGA - Targa (*.tga)

Adobe Photoshop 3.0 - Adobe Photoshop 3.0 (*.psd)

ZSoft PCX - ZSoft PCX (*.pcx)

ZSoft DCX - ZSoft DCX (*.dcx)



Save;remove file extension


Removes the filename extension from the original filename before creating the new filename. If set to 0, a file Document.doc created as TIFF would become Document.doc.tif; when set to remove the extension, the resulting filename would be Document.tif.



0 - Leave original filename extension in new filename

1 - Remove original filename extension before creating new filename.



Save;Color reduction


Use the color reduction options below to reduce the number of colors in the output files.



none - No color reduction

Optimal - Reduce to lowest color count needed per page

BW - Reduce to black and white using selected dithering method

grey - Reduce to greyscale

256Colors - Create all pages as 8-bit color (256 colors)

16Colors - Create all pages as 4-bit color (16 colors)

optimalMax256Colors - Reduces to lowest color count needed for each page, any pages over 256 colors are reduced to 256 colors.

optimalMax16Colors - Reduces to lowest color count needed for each page, any pages over 16 colors are reduced to 16 colors.



Save;Dithering method


Dithering enhances the appearance of color images that have been reduced to black and white.



None - No dithering

Floyd - Floyd-Steinberg dithering

Burkes - Burkes dithering

Bayer - Bayer dithering

Halftone - Halftone dithering





Enables file splitting based on the page count set by SplitFileEveryNPages. When file splitting is enabled, the serialized naming profile is always used to name each file in the sequence. Can be combined with SplitFileWhenFileSizeExceedsThresholdEnabled to split by page count and file size.


File splitting only applies to the following multipaged file formats:

TIFF Multipaged - TIFF Multipaged (*.tif)

Adobe PDF Multipaged - Adobe PDF Multipaged (*.pdf)

ZSoft DCX - ZSoft DCX (*.dcx)



0 - Do not split the file, create a single multipaged file.

1 - Split the file when the page count reaches limit set by SplitFileEveryNPages.





The page count at which to start creating a new file.



0-4294967295, default is 1000.






Enables file splitting based on a file size threshold set by SplitFileSizeThresholdInBytes. The file is split when the file size gets larger than the threshold. When file splitting is enabled, the serialized naming profile is always used to name each file in the sequence.  Can be combined with SplitFileEveryNPagesEnabled to split by file size and page count.


File splitting only applies to the following multipaged file formats:

TIFF Multipaged - TIFF Multipaged (*.tif)

Adobe PDF Multipaged - Adobe PDF Multipaged (*.pdf)

ZSoft DCX - ZSoft DCX (*.dcx)



0 - Do not split the file, create a single multipaged file.

1 - Split the file when the file size exceeds the limit set by SplitFileSizeThresholdInBytes.





The file size, in bytes, at which to start creating a new file.



0-18446744073709551615, default is 1073741824, or 1GB.