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Endorsement Formatting Codes

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The following formatting codes are used to format the text strings placed in the headers and footers. If you are using the XML profiles to configure the endorsements you will need to use the XML character entities & and " to represent the ampersand (&) and quotation marks (") to allow the XML data to be interpreted correctly.

Header and Footer Formatting Codes

XML Code

String Code




This code is replaced by the current page number.


XML Example:

<add Name="Endorsements;HeaderLeftFormat"

    Value="Page &amp;P"/>


String Example:


        "Page &P")




This code is replaced by the total number of pages in the output file.


XML Example:

<add Name="Endorsements;HeaderLeftFormat"

    Value="Page &amp;P of &amp;N"/>


String Example:


        "Page &P of &N")




Turns bold formatting on and off. All text after the first occurrence of the formatting code will be bold until the same formatting code is encountered again.


XML Example:

<add Name="Endorsements;HeaderLeftFormat"

    Value="&amp;BInternal Use&amp;B - Confidential"/>


String Example:


        "&BInternal Use Only&B - Confidential")




Turns italic formatting on and off. All text after the first occurrence of the formatting code will be italicized until the same formatting code is encountered again.


XML Example:

<add Name="Endorsements;HeaderLeftFormat"

    Value="&amp;IDo Not Copy&amp;I - Confidential"/>


String Example:


        "&IDo Not Copy&I - Confidential")




Turns font underlining on and off. All text after the first occurrence of the formatting code will be underlined until the same formatting code is encountered again.


XML Example:

<add Name="Endorsements;HeaderLeftFormat"

    Value="&amp;UDo Not Copy&amp;U - Confidential"/>


String Example:


        "&UDo Not Copy&U - Confidential")




Turns font strike though formatting on and off. All text after the first occurrence of the formatting code will be struck though (a line down the middle of the text) until the same formatting code is encountered again.


XML Example:

<add Name="Endorsements;HeaderLeftFormat"

    Value="&amp;SInternal Use&amp;S - Confidential"/>


String Example:


        "&SInternal Use Only&S - Confidential")




Turns font superscript formatting on and off. All text after the first occurrence of the formatting code will be printed in superscript (appears smaller than the normal line of type and is set slightly above it) until the same formatting code is encountered again.


XML Example:

<add Name="Endorsements;HeaderLeftFormat"

    Value="This is &amp;Xsuperscript text&amp;X - Confidential"/>


String Example:


        "This is &Xsuperscript text&X - Confidential")




Turns font subscript formatting on and off. All text after the first occurrence of the formatting code will be printed in subscript (appears smaller than the normal line of type and is set slightly below it) until the same formatting code is encountered again.


XML Example:

<add Name="Endorsements;HeaderLeftFormat"

    Value="This is &amp;Ysubscript text&amp;Y - Confidential"/>


String Example:


        "This is &Ysubscript text&Y - Confidential")




Sets the font to be used for the following text. All text after the occurrence of the formatting code will be printed in the specified font until another font formatting code is encountered again. The default font is Arial.


XML Example:

<add Name="Endorsements;HeaderLeftFormat"

    Value="This is Arial and &amp;'Verdana'this is Verdana."/>


String Example:


        "This is Arial and &'Verdana'this is Verdana.")




Sets the font size, in points, to be used for the following text, where n is replaced with the desired point size. All text after the occurrence of the formatting code will be printed in the specified font size until another font size formatting code is encountered again. The default font size is 12 points.


XML Example:

<add Name="Endorsements;HeaderLeftFormat"

    Value="&amp;14This is Arial 14 point."/>


String Example:


        "&14This is Arial 14 point.")




Changes the color of the text. All text after the occurrence of the formatting code will be printed in the color specified until another color formatting code is encountered again. The default color is Black. The color is specified as six character RGB code.


XML Example:

<add Name="Endorsements;HeaderLeftFormat"

    Value="This is &amp;KFF0000Red, this is &amp;K00FF00Green."/>


String Example:


        "This is &KFF0000Red, this is &K00FF00Green.")




Allows the insertion of an ampersand character into the text.


XML Example:

<add Name="Endorsements;HeaderLeftFormat"

    Value="Printed by Company &amp;&amp;Company"/>


String Example:


        "Printed by Company && Company")




Allows the insertion of a newline character into the text.


XML Example:

<add Name="Endorsements;HeaderLeftFormat"

    Value="Line 1&#x0A;Line 2"/>


String Example:


        "Line 1\r\nLine 2.")