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Document Conversion Service 3.0

Navigation: Advanced Configuration

Changing Document Conversion Service's Startup Mode

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Document Conversion Service is managed by the PEERNET Document Conversion Service Monitor 1.0 service. This monitoring service is installed as an automatic service with a delayed start. This means that each time the computer is started, the monitoring service will start Document Conversion Service after a short delay. While not recommended, this can be changed through the service's control panel applet.

Changing the Service's Start Mode


1.Go to Start - Control Panel - System and Security - Administrative Tools - Services (or type "Services" into the search field on the Start menu).

2.In the Services control panel applet select the PEERNET Document Conversion Service Monitor 1.0 service. The service can be running, but any changes will not take place until the service is restarted.


3.Double-click the service in the list to open the Properties dialog.

4.On the General tab change the Startup type to the desired mode.