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Document Conversion Service 3.0

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Configuring Third-Party Applications Used by Document Conversion Service

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Document Conversion Service is designed to automatically configure any third-party applications for use within the conversion service. This includes running Document Conversion Service under new accounts, like the DCSAdmin account, that have never been logged into. If you chose to use a different account when installing, the same automatic configuration will take place.

Some of the native applications used by the converters do require that certain components need to be installed, or that a change is made to the Document Conversion Service configuration to use the desired version. Any special steps needed for an application are outlined below.

Configure Adobe Reader for Foreign Languages

Flash Player for Adobe Reader

AutoCAD Design Review and TrueView

Setting the Ghostscript Version

Microsoft Outlook

Outside-In AX (uses Oracle Outside In Technology)

Animated Images and Movies with FFmpeg.exe

Windows Imaging Component (WIC) Add-Ons and Extensions

Internet Explorer


In most cases the only thing you have to do is install and license (activate) the appropriate third-party application used by the converter before running Document Conversion Service.

Third-Party Application Licensing

Any third-party applications that require activation, such as Microsoft Office, must be activated on the computer where Document Conversion Service is running.