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Document Conversion Service 3.0


A PNConversionResultOutputFileRenderedPage object represents a single page in the physical file on disk. From this object you can get the full output filename of the created file in which it is located and other information about this page such as orientation and page width and height.

There are also two collections: a PNConversionResultPrintJobPrintedPage collection of each printed page that was used to create the file, and a PNConversionResultPrintJob collection of print jobs that were used to create the output file.


Public Method   GetOutputFile

Read-only; Returns a PNConversionResultOutputFile object.

Public Method   GetPrintJobPrintedPages

Read-only; Returns a collection of PNConversionResultPrintJobPrintedPage objects.

Public Method   GetPrintJobs

Read-only; Returns a collection of PNConversionResultPrintJob objects.


Public Property   BitsPerPixel

Read-only; The bits per pixel, or color depth of the page on disk.

Public Property   HeightInPixels

Read-only; The height of the page in pixels.

Public Property   Orientation

Read-only; The orientation of the page, either Portrait or Landscape.

Public Property   PageNumber

Read-only; The page number of the page in the file on disk.

Public Property   RotationInDegrees

Read-only; The rotation of the page in the file on disk.

Public Property   WidthInPixels

Read-only; The weight of the printed page in pixels.

Public Property   XPixelsPerInch

Read-only; The vertical dots per inch, or resolution, of the page.

Public Property   YPixelsPerInch

Read-only; The horizontal dots per inch, or resolution, of the page.