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Document Conversion Service 3.0

Navigation: Advanced Configuration > Controlling the Converters

Enabling and Disabling Converters

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The application factory for each converter controls if that converter will be loaded or not through its Enabled setting. The Enabled setting can be one of three values:




When set to auto, Document Conversion Service will check the converter's requirements, and load it only if the requirements are met. In most cases the requirements are usually the native application the converter uses to help do the conversion.


Document Conversion Service will always try to load the converter. If the converter requires a separate application and that application is not installed this setting will cause Document Conversion Service to fail its initialization and the service will not start.


The converter is not loaded.

Opening the Configuration File

Go to DCS Dashboard - DCS-Settings - Edit DCS Configuration to edit the configuration file using a visual GUI.

You can also go to Start - All Programs - PEERNET Document Conversion Service 3.0 - Edit DCS Configuration File to edit the configuration file using the DCS Editor.

The configuration file can also be opened in any XML editor and can be found here:

Configuration file location:

C:\Program Files\Document Conversion Service 3.0\Core\PNJobItemProcessor.exe.config

Enabling or Disabling the Converters through the Application Factory

The sample below shows how to disable the converter for Microsoft Word.

1.In the <AppFactories> section, look for the <AppFactory> section for the converter you want to disable.

2.Set the Enabled value to false to disable the converter.

a.Set this value to true to always load the converter or auto the have Document Conversion Service automatically detect if the converter can be used.


AppFactories Configuration Section


    <AppFactory Name="Microsoft Word"
        <add Name="Enabled" Value="false"/>
        <add Name="MaxInstances" Value="5"/>
        <add Name="RecycleThreshold" Value="1000"/>
    <AppFactory Name="Adobe Acrobat Reader"
        <add Name="Enabled" Value="auto"/>
        <add Name="MaxInstances" Value="2"/>
    <!-- Global factory settings -->
    <add Name="MaxInstances" Value="5"/>
    <add Name="RecycleThreshold" Value="100"/>

Restoring the Configuration File

A backup copy of the original configuration file is stored in the following location for easy recovery.

Configuration file location:

C:\Program Files\Document Conversion Service 3.0\Core\Backup\PNJobItemProcessor.exe.config