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Document Conversion Service 3.0

Navigation: Setting up Client-Server Conversion

Setting up a Client-Server Watch Folder

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In this configuration the complete install of Document Conversion Service Client Redistributable, which includes the Watch Folder Service, would be installed on the client computer and the Document Conversion Service would be installed on a separate computer, the server computer.



The Document Conversion Service Client Redistributable installs only the basic required components by default. To also install the Watch Folder service, choose the Complete install, or select Custom and then choose which samples and tools to install.


We want the input and output folders to be local to the client computer and the actual conversion done on the server, here a computer named DOC-CONV-SRV1.

To accomplish this, the server needs access to the staging and working folders used by the Watch Folder Service.

The simplest way to do this is to use the network share folder, DCSREMOTE, that was created when Document Conversion Service was installed on DOC-CON-SRV1.

If you want to use a different network share, you will need to add full permissions for the Document Conversion Service Users group to the shared folder.


Sample Watch Folder Configuration


  <WatchFolder Name="Shared DCOM Folder Watch FAX TIFF" >

      <!-- Folder options -->
      <add Name="InputFolder" Value ="C:\PEERNET\InputFax\"/>
      <add Name="SearchFilter" Value="*.*"/>
      <add Name="IncludeSubFolders" Value="True"/>

      <add Name="StagingFolder" Value="\\DOC-CONV-SRV1\DCSREMOTE\WatchFolder\Staging\"/>

      <add Name="WorkingFolder" Value="\\DOC-CONV-SRV1\DCSREMOTE\WatchFolder\Working\"/>

      <add Name="FailedFolder" Value="C:\PEERNET\Failed\"/>

      <add Name="CompletedFolder" Value="C:\PEERNET\Completed"/>
      <add Name="OutputFolder" Value ="C:\PEERNET\FAX TIFF OUT\"/>
      <add Name="PollingInterval" Value="15000"/>

      <add Name="DCOMComputerName" Value="DOC-CONV-SRV1"/>
      <add Name ="TestMode" Value="false" />


      <add Name ="Devmode settings;Resolution" Value="300"/>

      <add Name ="Save;Output File Format" Value="TIFF Serialized" />
      <add Name ="Save;Append" Value ="0"/>
      <add Name ="Save;Color reduction" Value="BW"/>
      <add Name ="TIFF File Format;BW compression" Value="Group4" />
      <add Name="Image Options;Fax" Value="1" />
      <add Name="Image Options;Fax Profile" Value="0" />
      <add Name="Image Options;Fax Resolution" Value="4" />
      <add Name ="Processing;Rotate landscape" Value="90" />

