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Raster Image Printer


The collection of wait functions allows you to synchronize and control the flow of documents being printed with your application.

The WaitForJobsSpooling method should be called just after the document has been printed and will return as soon as the document has started to spool or when the given timeout period has elapsed.

This allows for error recovery if the document fails to print from the printing application. If the document does not start spooling within the timeout period the print session should be canceled using the Cancel method before releasing the print session object to allow the printer to be returned to the pool of available printers as soon as possible.

If no print job enters the print queue and the print session is not canceled before being released, the printer will wait a specified timeout period before being returned to the pool of available printers. This timeout period determined from the FirstJobTimeout parameter passed into the NewPrintSession method.

In many cases, other printing states such as spooled or printed may need to be checked before the document or printing application can be safely closed. Closing either too early can cause the printing application to abort the print job.



where expression is an IPNPrintSession object.

Returns Boolean True if a print job started spooling in the print queue within the timeout period, and False if it did not.


Integer Timeout

The length of time, in milliseconds, to wait for a print job to start spooling.

See Also: WaitForJobsPrinted WaitForJobsCompleted WaitForJobsSpooled