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Built-in Text Converter Options

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This converter handles processing text-based files, including wide-format text files. It handles text-based log files, batch files, source code files, and many others.


This feature is not supported on Microsoft® Windows Server 2008 R2 and Microsoft® Windows 7.


Text files may or may not contain form feeds. A form feed is a special character that causes any text after it to start on a new page. When your text document has form feeds, the text encoding, font size, and page size used to position the page contents are auto-detected.

A document with no form feed characters is considered a single page. The number of characters and lines, along with the font and font size, is used to calculate a page size. The text is split into pages using the calculated page size. Text files that commonly have no form feeds are source code files, XML files, log files, and similar.

There are two sets of options - one for text files with form feeds and one for text documents without form feeds.

Table values in bold text are the default value for that setting.



Code Sample - C#

PNDocConvQueueServiceLib.PNDocConvQueueItem item = null;
// Create the conversion item
item = new PNDocConvQueueServiceLib.PNDocConvQueueItem();
// Set conversion settings

item.Set("ConverterPlugIn.PNBuiltinTextConverterSettingsContentWithFormFeeds.FontName", "Consolas");

item.Set("ConverterPlugIn.PNBuiltinTextConverterSettingsContentWithFormFeeds.FontSizeInPoints", "11");


item.Set("Devmode settings;Resolution", "300");
item.Set("Save;Output File Format", "TIFF Multipaged");
// convert the file

item.Convert("Text - Builtin", _

            @"C:\Test\Report.txt", _



Code Sample - VB.NET


Dim item As PNDocConvQueueServiceLib.IPNDocConvQueueItem


' Create the conversion item

item = New PNDocConvQueueServiceLib.PNDocConvQueueItem()


' Set conversion settings

item.Set("ConverterPlugIn.PNBuiltinTextConverterSettingsContentWithFormFeeds.FontName", "Consolas")

item.Set("ConverterPlugIn.PNBuiltinTextConverterSettingsContentWithFormFeeds.FontSizeInPoints", "10")


item.Set("Devmode settings;Resolution", "300")

item.Set("Save;Output File Format", "TIFF Multipaged")


' convert the file

item.Convert("Text - Builtin", _

            "C:\Test\Report.txt", _




This table lists the options for handling text files with form feeds (page eject). A form feed automatically causes any text after it to start on a new page. For options for text files without form feeds, see this table.


Conversion Settings -PNBuiltinTextConverter - Text With Form Feeds Options




Choose which font to use for the text in your document. Choose a fixed-width (fixed pitch) font for best results when.your text files contain tables and column of data when alignment is important. If the font specified does not exist, or the name is spelled incorrectly, the default of Courier New is used.



String value of the font name. The default is Courier New.





The size of the font is in points. Each point is 1/72 of an inch. A font size of 10 points means each character is approximately 1/14 of an inch tall.


If you change the font and/or the font size, and you are word-wrapping the text, you may need to adjust the MaxCharactersPerLine to account for your document content and chosen font.



String value of the size of the font in points. The default is 10. The smallest size allowed is 6, and largest, 72.





Line wrapping is the automatic shifting of text to a new line when we have reached the maximum number of characters per line. The maximum number of characters per line depends on any font, font size, paper size, and maximum character settings you have set.



None - Do not line wrap. When not line wrapping, the paper sizany text that occurs past the maximum number of characters per line is truncated.

Plain - wraps the text at the calculated number of characters per line, with no attempt to backtrack to find the last word break.

Word - wraps the text at the calculated number of characters per line, backtracking to find the last word break when necessary.





Specifies the maximum number of characters per line when LineWrapMode is set to Plain or Word. The desired maximum number of characters per line depends on any font, font size, and paper size you have set. You may need to adjust this if you change the font and/or the font size.



String value of the maximum number of characters per line. The default is 83.





Choose to auto-detect the page size needed for your text document, size the content to fit a specified page size, or always use a specified page size.



AutoDetect - Scans the text document to determine the number of characters per line and lines per page. The number of characters and lines, and form feed characters, along with the FontName and FontSizeInPoints, is used to calculate the page size needed. Using this page size, we search the Document Conversion Service printer's forms list for a paper size that is the closest match without being smaller. If we cannot find a matching paper size, we use the settings for PageSize_DefaultPageWidthInPoints and PageSize_DefaultPageHeightInPoints.


SizeToFit - Scans the text document to determine the number of characters per line and lines per page. The number of characters and lines, along with the font and font size, is used to calculate the page size. Unlike AutoDetect, we use this calculated page size as the paper size. There is no attempt to match to a standard paper size.


UseSpecified - Always uses the page size set using PageSize_DefaultPageWidthInPoints and PageSize_DefaultPageHeightInPoints. Text that exceeds the width or height of the page can get cut off.





The minimum width of an auto-detected page size. The page will not be smaller than this width, but it can be wider. This is entered in points. There are 72 points per inch, so a default width of 576 is 8 inches.



String value of the minimum page width in points. The default is 576, or 8 inches.





The minimum height of an auto-detected page size. The page will not be shorter than this width, but it can be taller. There are 72 points per inch, so a height of 576 is 8 inches.


String value of the minimum page height in points. The default is 576, or 8 inches.





Sets the desired page width in points. This setting is used if PageSizeDetectionMode is set to UseSpecified, or if it is set to AutoDetect and it does not match an appropriate page size. There are 72 points per inch, so the default width of 612 is 8.5 inches.



String value of the desired page width in points. The default is 612, or 8.5 inches.





Sets the desired page height in points. This setting is used if PageSizeDetectionMode is set to UseSpecified, or if it is set to AutoDetect and it does not match an appropriate page size. There are 72 points per inch, so the default height of 792 is 11 inches.



String value of the desired page height in points. The default is 792, or 11 inches.





Sets the width of the left margin. A margin is the space between the edge of the page and the main body of text.There are 72 points per inch, so the default width of 18 is 0.25 inches.



String value of the desired left margin width in points. The default is 54, or 0.75 inches.





Sets the width of the right margin. A margin is the space between the edge of the page and the main body of text.There are 72 points per inch, so the default width of 18 is 0.25 inches.



String value of the desired right margin width in points. The default is 54, or 0.75 inches.





Sets the height of the top margin. A margin is the space between the edge of the page and the main body of text.There are 72 points per inch, so the default height of 18 is 0.25 inches.



String value of the desired top margin height in points. The default is 72, or 1 inch.





Sets the height of the bottom margin. A margin is the space between the edge of the page and the main body of text.There are 72 points per inch, so the default height of 18 is 0.25 inches.



String value of the desired bottom margin height in points. The default is 72, or 1 inch.





Replaces any tab stops in the text document with the given number of spaces (columns).



String value of the number of spaces to replace the tab stop with. The default is 8 spaces.



This table lists the options for handling text files without form feeds (page ejects). When a text document does not have form feeds, the settings PageSize_DefaultPageWidthInPoints and PageSize_DefaultPageHeightInPoints are used to determine the paper size and when a new page begins. For options for text files with form feeds, see this table.


Conversion Settings -PNBuiltinTextConverter - Text With No Form Feeds Options




Choose which font to use for the text in your document. Choose a fixed-width (fixed pitch) font for best results when.your text files contain tables and column of data when alignment is important. If the font specified does not exist, or the name is spelled incorrectly, the default of Courier New is used.



String value of the font name. The default is Courier New.





The size of the font is in points. Each point is 1/72 of an inch. A font size of 10 points means each character is approximately 1/14 of an inch tall.


If you change the font and/or the font size, and you are word-wrapping the text, you may need to adjust the MaxCharactersPerLine to account for your document content and chosen font.



String value of the size of the font in points. The default is 10. The smallest size allowed is 6, and largest, 72.





Line wrapping is the automatic shifting of text to a new line when we have reached the maximum number of characters per line. The maximum number of characters per line depends on any font, font size, paper size, and maximum character settings you have set.



None - Do not line wrap. When not line wrapping, any text that occurs past the maximum number of characters per line is truncated.

Plain - wraps the text at the calculated number of characters per line, with no attempt to backtrack to find the last word break.

Word - wraps the text at the calculated number of characters per line, backtracking to find the last word break when necessary.





Specifies the maximum number of characters per line when LineWrapMode is set to Plain or Word. The desired maximum number of characters per line depends on any font, font size, and paper size you have set. You may need to adjust this if you change the font and/or the font size.



String value of the maximum number of characters per line. The default is 83.





Choose to auto-detect the page size needed for your text document, size the content to fit a specified page size, or always use a specified page size.



AutoDetect - Scans the text document to determine the number of characters per line and lines per page. The number of characters and lines, and form feed characters, along with the FontName and FontSizeInPoints, is used to calculate the page size needed. Using this page size, we search the Document Conversion Service printer's forms list for a paper size that is the closest match without being smaller. If we cannot find a matching paper size, we use the settings for PageSize_DefaultPageWidthInPoints and PageSize_DefaultPageHeightInPoints.


SizeToFit - Scans the text document to determine the number of characters per line and lines per page. The number of characters and lines, along with the font and font size, is used to calculate the page size. Unlike AutoDetect, we use this calculated page size as the paper size. There is no attempt to match to a standard paper size.


UseSpecified - Always uses the page size set using PageSize_DefaultPageWidthInPoints and PageSize_DefaultPageHeightInPoints. Text that exceeds the width or height of the page can get cut off.





The minimum width of an auto-detected page size. The page will not be smaller than this width, but it can be wider. This is entered in points. There are 72 points per inch, so a default width of 576 is 8 inches.



String value of the minimum page width in points. The default is 576, or 8 inches.





The minimum height of an auto-detected page size. The page will not be shorter than this width, but it can be taller. There are 72 points per inch, so a height of 576 is 8 inches.


String value of the minimum page height in points. The default is 576, or 8 inches.





Sets the desired page width in points. This setting is used if PageSizeDetectionMode is set to UseSpecified, or if it is set to AutoDetect and it does not match an appropriate page size. There are 72 points per inch, so the default width of 612 is 8.5 inches.



String value of the desired page width in points. The default is 612, or 8.5 inches.





Sets the desired page height in points. This setting is used if PageSizeDetectionMode is set to UseSpecified, or if it is set to AutoDetect and it does not match an appropriate page size. There are 72 points per inch, so the default height of 792 is 11 inches.



String value of the desired page height in points. The default is 792, or 11 inches.





Sets the width of the left margin. A margin is the space between the edge of the page and the main body of text.There are 72 points per inch, so the default width of 18 is 0.25 inches.



String value of the desired left margin width in points. The default is 54, or 0.75 inches.





Sets the width of the right margin. A margin is the space between the edge of the page and the main body of text.There are 72 points per inch, so the default width of 18 is 0.25 inches.



String value of the desired right margin width in points. The default is 54, or 0.75 inches.





Sets the height of the top margin. A margin is the space between the edge of the page and the main body of text.There are 72 points per inch, so the default height of 18 is 0.25 inches.



String value of the desired top margin height in points. The default is 72, or 1 inch.





Sets the height of the bottom margin. A margin is the space between the edge of the page and the main body of text.There are 72 points per inch, so the default height of 18 is 0.25 inches.



String value of the desired bottom margin height in points. The default is 72, or 1 inch.





Replaces any tab stops in the text document with the given number of spaces (columns).



String value of the number of spaces to replace the tab stop with. The default is 8 spaces.