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Navigation: PNDocConvQueueServiceLib Object Reference

IPNDocConvQueueItemFile Object

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An IPNDocConvQueueItemFile object is created for every file created. The file object represents the physical file on disk and provides access to the full output filename and two collections: an IPNDocConvQueueItemPages collection of the printed pages used to create the file and an IPNDocConvQueueItemImages collection of the images that make up each page of the file.

Public Properties

Public Property   Filename

Read-only; The filename of the file created.

Public Property   Images

Read-only; IPNDocConvQueueItemImages collection of IPNDocConvQueueItemImage objects in this file. This value is updated during the printing process.

Public Property   Job

Read-only; The parent IPNDocConvQueueItemJob object that created this IPNFile object.

Public Property   Pages

Read-only; IPNDocConvQueueItemPages collection of IPNDocConvQueueItemPage objects in this file. This value is updated during the printing process.