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IPNDocConvQueueItemPage Object

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An IPNPage object is created for every page of the document or file. The page object represents the print settings of the page when spooled to the Document Conversion Service printer. These settings are different from the IPNDocConvQueueItemImage settings, which are the settings of the output file created. For instance, printing a single page document in color and creating a fax resolution TIFF image will give an IPNDocConvQueueItemPage object with a BitsPerPixel = 24, and an IPNDocConvQueueItemImage object with BitsPerPixel = 1.

The page object also provides access to two collections: an IPNDocConvQueueItemFiles collection of files that contain this page as an IPNDocConvQueueItemImage, currently only a collection of one, and an IPNDocConvQueueItemImages collection of the images that were created from this page, also currently only a collection of one.

Public Properties

Public Property   BitsPerPixel

Read-only; The bits per pixel, or color depth of the printed page.

Public Property   Files

Read-only; IPNDocConvQueueItemFiles collection of IPNDocConvQueueItemFile objects created by this page. Currently each page belongs to a single file.

Public Property   HeightInPixels

Read-only; The height of the printed page in pixels.

Public Property   Images

Read-only; IPNDocConvQueueItemImages collection of IPNDocConvQueueItemImage objects in this page. Currently each page creates a single image.

Public Property   Job

Read-only; The parent IPNDocConvQueueItemJob object that created this IPNDocConvQueueItemPage object.

Public Property   Orientation

Read-only; The orientation of the page, either Portrait or Landscape.

Public Property   PageNumber

Read-only; The page number of the page.

Public Property   Skipped

Read-only; Boolean value True if the page was skipped.

Public Property   WidthInPixels

Read-only; The weight of the printed page in pixels.

Public Property   XPixelsPerInch

Read-only; The vertical dots per inch, or resolution, of the page.

Public Property   YPixelsPerInch

Read-only; The horizontal dots per inch, or resolution, of the page.