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Document Conversion Service 3.0

Starting with Document Conversion Service 3.0.027, the Watch Folder Service now includes the ability to order the files by name, date created or date modified when picking up files from the Input folder.

There are four sorting options - None, Name, DateCreated, and DateModified. Files can be returned in Ascending or Descending order.

This only controls the order in which the files are picked up from the directory. It does not guarantee the order the files are processed in, only that files sorted to the top of the list are submitted for conversion first. A smaller file further down the list might finish before a larger file that was first in the list.

Configuring the Sort Mode and Order

Sort order defaults to name and ascending when picking up files. Files in the root of the input folder are picked up and sorted first. If sub folders are enabled, they are searched in alphabetical order. Any files in each sub folder are then sorted and returned.


There are four sorting modes that can be used:

None - No ordering is used. Files are returned in the order they were given to us from the underlying file system.

Name - This is the default if the setting is not found or the value is incorrect. Files are sorted based on the full path name of the source file in the input folder.

DateCreated - Files are sorted based on their creation date. For watch folders where files are dropped, a file can be moved or copied into the folder. If the files are moved into the Input folder they will retain their original created date. Copying a file into the Input folder wil set the created date to the time of the copy.

DateModified - Files are sorted based on when they were last modified on the computer.


This sets the order of the files. The default is Ascending.

Ascending - sorted the files from low to high: 0-9, A-Z.

Descending - sorts the files from high to low: Z-A, 9-0.