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Document Conversion Service 3.0

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Creating Done Files to Signal Completion

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Starting with Document Conversion Service 3.0.025, the Watch Folder Service now includes the ability to create done files. These files can be used by other processes to know when the Watch Folder has completed conversion of any file dropped into the input folder.

There are two types of files created, a .done file when conversion is successful, and a .failed when a file could not be converted. These files are created in the root of the output folder by default.

A .done file contains the path to the original file that was dropped into the Watch Folder's input folder, and then lists all files created. This can be one file, or many if creating serialized output, or when processing Outlook MSG files and extracting attachments.

A .failed file contains the path to the original file as dropped into the Watch Folder's input folder, and then the path to the file's location in the Watch Folder's failed folder.

Enabling Done and Failed File Creation

Done and failed file creation is disabled to start. Each one can be enabled or disabled independently.


Set this to true to enable Done file creation.


Set this to true to enable Failed file creation.

Customizing the File Name and Location

The initial behavior is to create these files in the root of the Output folder using the same name as the input file, including the extension, and to add the .done or .failed to the end. This can be customized to use a different folder, use GUIDs instead of the name of the input file, and to use different extensions instead of the default of .done and .failed.

DoneFile.Success.CustomFolder, DoneFile.Failed.CustomFolder

When left blank, the files are created in the root of the output folder. To create these files in their own folder, set the path here.

DoneFile.Success.CustomExt, DoneFile.Failed.CustomExt

If you need a different extension instead of the defaults of .done and .failed, set them here. A dot (.) is not needed. Do not use the same extension for both files if you are saving them to the same location.

DoneFile.Success.UseGUIDName, DoneFile.Failed.UseGUIDName

To use unique GUIDs as the base name of the files instead of the input file, set these to true. This would create a file similar to 9BE7305721C14242A2BFF4EA06F3FE92.done.

File Contents

The input file is the the first line of information in both the .done file and the .failed file. This can be disabled to just list the files created.

DoneFile.Success.IncludeSourceFileAsFirstLine, DoneFile.Failed.IncludeSourceFileAsFirstLine

Set this to false if you do not want to have the input file listed as the first item in the done or failed file.