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Document Conversion Service 3.0

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Document Conversion Service Printer Pool

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To perform optimally the Document Conversion Service printers in the printing pool need certain timeouts, such as how long to wait for a printer to become available, or how long to wait for a job to appear in the printer queue. In most cases the values provided will be sufficient and will not need to be changed.

Other settings, such as how many times to try to convert the document, or to limit how many pages can be converted can also be set here. These settings can be overridden by the individual settings for the converters in their <PluginFactory> section if needed.


Setting Name



How long the converter will wait to get access to a printing session. This value is entered in microseconds (1 second = 1000 microseconds).


This setting is applied to the printing session used by the converter and determines how long the printing session will wait for a job to start spooling in the printer queue before releasing the printing session back into the printer pool. This value is entered in microseconds (1 second = 1000 microseconds).


This setting is applied to the printing session used by the converter and determines how long to wait between jobs entering the queue before releasing the printing session back into the printer pool.This value is entered in microseconds (1 second = 1000 microseconds).


How long the converter will wait for each job to start spooling in the printer queue. This value is entered in microseconds (1 second = 1000 microseconds).


This is NOT the total amount of time for the document to convert, it is the amount of idle time used to determine when to cancel a document being created. If the converter does not see any progress (pages being converted) in this amount of time the document is canceled.


The maximum amount of time to wait for all documents to finish printing when shutting Document Conversion Service down. This value is entered in microseconds (1 second = 1000 microseconds).


Controls the number of times to retry converting a document if it was not successful on printing. Minimum value is 0, meaning we will not retry, and the maximum number of retries is 5. The default is 2.


Sets the maximum number of pages that are allowed to be printed/spooled. The default value when this is not provided is 0, meaning there is no limit. The install sets this value to 20,000 pages to prevent extremely large documents for stalling the converting process. If a document exceeds this count, it enters an error state and no file is created. To limit how many pages to convert see the PageRange setting in General Converter Options.


This option can also be overridden on a per document basis using profiles as described in Creating and Customizing Profiles.



Determines if files with a size of zero (0 bytes) are skipped or failed when processed. When set to Fail, an error is produced. When set to Skip, the file is skipped and a message is produced instead of an error. Default behaviour is to fail the file.

* These settings can be overridden by the individual settings for the converters in their <PluginFactory> section if needed.

Changing the Printer Pool Behavior

Opening the Configuration File

Go to DCS Dashboard - DCS-Settings - Edit DCS Configuration to edit the configuration file using a visual GUI.

You can also go to Start - All Programs - PEERNET Document Conversion Service 3.0 - Edit DCS Configuration File to edit the configuration file using the DCS Editor.

The configuration file can also be opened in any XML editor and can be found here:

Configuration file location:

C:\Program Files\Document Conversion Service 3.0\Core\PNJobItemProcessor.exe.config

Changing the Timeout Values

All timeout values are specified in milliseconds except for MaxWaitForProcessingTimeoutInMinutes and RestartServiceInHours.

1.If you are converting very large documents you may need to adjust the PrintSessionWaitOnCompleteTimeout value to a value larger than the default of 180000ms (3 minutes).

2.The SessionWaitForAllJobsCompletedTimeout value is used when the Document Conversion Service is shutting down. This is the maximum amount of time to wait for all printing documents in the pool of printers to complete.

3.Save the edited file. If Document Conversion Service is running you will need to restart the conversion service to apply your new changes,


General Configuration Section - Printer Pool Settings

      <!-- The following values can be overridden in the individual -->
      <!-- converter settings below for converter customization -->
      <add Name="PrintSessionWaitTimeout" Value="5000"/>     
      <add Name="PrintSessionFirstJobTimeout" Value="60000"/> 
      <add Name="PrintSessionAvailableTimeout" Value="250"/>  
      <add Name="PrintSessionWaitOnSpoolingTimeout" Value="10000"/> 
      <add Name="PrintSessionWaitOnCompleteTimeout" Value="180000"/>  
      <!-- End of converter overridables -->
      <add Name="SessionWaitForAllJobsCompletedTimeout" Value ="300000"/>
      <add Name="ThreadResetSleepBeforeSignalRunningState" Value="20000"/>
      <add Name="MaxRetryAttempts" Value="2"/>
      <add Name="MaxSpooledPagesAllowed" Value="0"/>

Restoring the Configuration File

A backup copy of the original configuration file is stored in the following location for easy recovery.

Configuration file location:

C:\Program Files\Document Conversion Service 3.0\Core\Backup\PNJobItemProcessor.exe.config