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Document Conversion Service 3.0

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Document Conversion Service Startup and Shutdown

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The settings below control the startup and shutdown behavior of Document Conversion Service.


In most cases the values provided will be sufficient and will not need to be changed.


Setting Name



Detects proper installation of required components and will attempt to self-heal if any components are found missing. This check is always performed by default. We do not recommend disabling this check.


Optional detection and self-heal of secondary components; detects proper installation and will attempt to self-heal if any components are found missing. This check is performed by default.


How long to wait for the converter factory threads to initialize and be ready to process documents.


The maximum amount of time, in minutes, to wait for a document to signal that it is being converted. The minimum timeout is 5 minutes, the default is 30 minutes.


The maximum amount of time to wait for all documents to finish printing when shutting Document Conversion Service down. This setting is also documented in Document Conversion Service Printer Pool.


The Document Conversion Service uses the PNSrv10 component and cannot close until that component has exited first. The default amount of time to wait is 60 seconds, this component normally exits in  just over 30 seconds.


When set to the default value of 0, the Document Conversion Service is never restarted. If desired, the service can be set to be automatically restarted anywhere from every hour up to every seven days (168 hours).

Changing the Service Behavior

In most cases you will never need to change any of the default values set above upon install. If you do, make sure you keep a backup of your original settings.

Opening the Configuration File

Go to DCS Dashboard - DCS-Settings - Edit DCS Configuration to edit the configuration file using a visual GUI.

You can also go to Start - All Programs - PEERNET Document Conversion Service 3.0 - Edit DCS Configuration File to edit the configuration file using the DCS Editor.

The configuration file can also be opened in any XML editor and can be found here:

Configuration file location:

C:\Program Files\Document Conversion Service 3.0\Core\PNJobItemProcessor.exe.config

Changing the Service Behavior Values

These values are set in the general application settings section.

1.If you need to set the Document Conversion Service service to be restarted automatically, you can change the RestartServiceInHours setting.

2.The SessionWaitForAllJobsCompletedTimeout value is used when the Document Conversion Service is shutting down. This is the maximum amount of time to wait for all printing documents in the pool of printers to complete.

3.Save the edited file. If Document Conversion Service is running you will need to restart the conversion service to apply your new changes,


General Configuration Section - Service Startup & Shutdown

    <add Name="SessionWaitForAllJobsCompletedTimeout" Value ="300000"/>
    <add Name="ThreadInitBeforeSignalRunningState" Value="20000"/>
    <add Name="MaxWaitForProcessingTimeoutInMinutes" Value="30"/>
    <add Name="RestartServiceInHours" Value="0"/>
    <add Name="WaitForSrv10ToClose" Value="60000"/>
    <add Name ="RunSelfHealForCoreServices" Value="true"/>
    <add Name ="RunSelfHealForOtherServices" Value="true"/>

Restoring the Configuration File

A backup copy of the original configuration file is stored in the following location for easy recovery.

Configuration file location:

C:\Program Files\Document Conversion Service 3.0\Core\Backup\PNJobItemProcessor.exe.config