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PDF Creator Plus 8

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Installing PDF Creator Plus Silently

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PDF Creator Plus can be installed silently to multiple users on a network using Microsoft SCCM or a similar product with software push capability.

For Subscription licenses this only installs the software on the computer, it does not activate the license on that computer. If you have a large number of users and need a pre-authorized installation with built-in licensing, please contact PEERNET Sales for information on purchasing this type of custom install.

Deployment Requirements

PDF Creator Plus requires .NET Framework 4.8. Your installation software should already have the ability to detect and install this requirement. If it does not, start with how to download and install the .NET Framework 4.8 Runtime.

Pushing PDF Creator Plus using Automated Deployment Tools (SCCM, InTune, etc.)

Most automated deployment tools run in the System user space. When installing PDF Creator Plus using these tools, our setup program needs a few command line options to run under this environment.

/S – Install silently, do not display dialogs or messages.

/L=”C:\PathTo\PCPInstallLog.txt” – path to a log file for troubleshooting installs.

/k=”password” – This switch MUST be a lower case “k”. If you have a pre-authorized open license, you will need to supply a password, the install will not run without it. Your password is in your online account. Subscription installs do not need this argument.

ALLOWSYSTEM=TRUE – This allows the install to run under the System account, which is usually how SCCM, InTune and others deploy software. This also causes the installer to skip installing our PDF Creator Plus Word Add-In, which can’t be installed under the system account.


Subscription License

pnepubsubsetup_8..0.001.exe /S /L=”C:\PathTo\PCPInstallLog.txt” ALLOWSYSTEM=TRUE

Pre-Authorized Open License

pnepubsubsetup_8..0.001.exe /S /L=”C:\PathTo\PCPInstallLog.txt” /k=”password” ALLOWSYSTEM=TRUE

Command Line Syntax

Logging - /L=<Path to Log>

Silent install - /S

Password protected installs- /k=<password>



Logging - /L=<Path to Log>

To create a log file when installing, use the /L parameter and pass in a full path to the name of a log file. Two files will be created, the log file specified, and another one using the same name with PEERNET.txt appended. The one ending in PEERNET.txt is a trace of what happens during the initial install setup script, including testing for system compatibility and pre-requisites, and going through the setup wizard. The base one is created by the installer during the actual install step after the setup wizard has gathered all of its information. Both log files can be used to troubleshoot install issues, especially when using the /S silent install parameter with SCCM or other push software.

Silent install - /S

With the silent install command line parameter set, the entire installation will execute silently, without a user interface, or any user intervention. When any input is required on dialog boxes, the default values of dialog controls will be used.

Password protected installs- /k=<password>

Only valid with Pre-Authorized Open licenses.

This parameter must be entered in lower case. For clients with password protected installs the /k parameter allows passing the password into the install. Quotes around the password are not needed but are accepted. This is often used with the /S parameter for silent installs.


Running the install with the /S when it is already installed will automatically remove the product. To force the install to always run an uninstall, as is needed with some SCCM and push software tools, add the MODIFY, REMOVE and UNINSTALL flags to the command line.

Subscription License

pnepubsubsetup_8..0.001.exe /S /L=”C:\PathTo\PCPInstallLog.txt” /S MODIFY=FALSE REMOVE=TRUE UNINSTALL=YES

Pre-Authorized Open License

pnepubsubsetup_8..0.001.exe /S /L=”C:\PathTo\PCPInstallLog.txt”  /S MODIFY=FALSE REMOVE=TRUE UNINSTALL=YES