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Raster Image Printer

Deployment Requirements

Any PEERNET provided Run Command tools you may be using, or other custom programs or tools (and their requirements) used in the Run Commands in your conversion profile will also have to be included in your install or deployment scripts.

The PEERNET Run Command tools require .NET Framework 4.8. Your installation software should already have the ability to detect and install this requirement. If it does not, start with how to download and install the .NET Framework 4.8 Runtime.

Command Line Syntax

Logging - /L=<Path to Log>

Silent install - /S

Password protected installs- /k=<password>


Removing License Activations - DEACTIVATEUSER=TRUE|FALSE

Customize Printer Name and Settings - CONFIGPRINTER="Path to export file"

Do Not Install the Raster Image Printer Printer - DRIVERONLY=TRUE|FALSE

Hiding the Desktop Icons and Start Menu Shortcuts - SHOWUI=TRUE|FALSE

Hiding the License and Update Notifications - NOTIFYUI=TRUE|FALSE

Hiding the Profile Editor - NOEDIT=TRUE

Hiding the Profile Manager - NOMGR=TRUE

Hiding the Print Management View - NOPMGT=TRUE

Hiding the Dashboard - NODASH=TRUE

Logging - /L=<Path to Log>

To create a log file when installing, use the /L parameter and pass in a full path to the name of a log file. Two files will be created, the log file specified, and another one using the same name with PEERNET.txt appended. The one ending in PEERNET.txt is a trace of what happens during the initial install setup script, including testing for system compatibility and pre-requisites, and going through the setup wizard. The base one is created by the installer during the actual install step after the setup wizard has gathered all of its information. Both log files can be used to troubleshoot install issues, especially when using the /S silent install parameter with SCCM or other push software.

Subscription License

pnrassubsetup_12.0.001.exe /L="C:\PEERNET\Setup.log"

One Time License

pnrasotsetup_12.0.001.exe /L="C:\PEERNET\Setup.log"

Silent install - /S

With the silent install command line parameter set, the entire installation will execute silently, without a user interface, or any user intervention. When any input is required on dialog boxes, the default values of dialog controls will be used.

Subscription License

pnrassubsetup_12.0.001.exe /S

One Time License

pnrasotsetup_12.0.001.exe /S

Password protected installs- /k=<password>

Only valid with Pre-Authorized Open licenses.

For clients with password protected installs the /k parameter allows passing the password into the install. Quotes around the password are not needed but are accepted. This is often used with the /S parameter for silent installs.

This parameter must be entered in lower case.

Subscription License

pnrassubsetup_12.0.001.exe  /k=password /S


Running the install with the /S when it is already installed will automatically remove the product. To force the install to always run an uninstall, as is needed with some SCCM and push software tools, add the MODIFY, REMOVE and UNINSTALL flags to the command line.

Subscription License

pnrassubsetup_12.0.001.exe /S MODIFY=FALSE REMOVE=TRUE UNINSTALL=YES

One Time License


Removing License Activations - DEACTIVATEUSER=TRUE|FALSE

Only valid with Subscription licenses and with an internet connection.

When uninstalling a Subscription license, you can automatically remove this user from your list of authenticated users, provided the computer has internet access and can connect to the PEERNET licensing server. This is useful when transferring the subscription installation to another user, or moving the same user to a new computer.

If you are uninstalling and re-installing Raster Image Printer silently for the same user, and do not want to remove the authentication, pass in FALSE for this option. The default value for this is TRUE.

Subscription License - Remove user from authentication list


Customize Printer Name and Settings - CONFIGPRINTER="Path to export file"

This is the full path to an exported settings file that contains the printer and profiles for your custom printer setup, in quotes. See Installing a Customized Printer for full step-by-step instructions for installing custom printers with preset options, locked settings and custom printer names. If you have a subscription license, this is often used in conjunction with SHOWUI, NOEDIT, NODASH, NOPMGR and NOPMGT to hide the printer desktop icons and dashboard.

Subscription License

pnrassubsetup_12.0.001.exe /S SHOWUI=FALSE CONFIGPRINTER="C:\PEERNET\PrinterSettings.pnrasexport"

One Time License

pnrasotsetup_12.0.001.exe /S CONFIGPRINTER="C:\PEERNET\PrinterSettings.pnrasexport"

Do Not Install the Raster Image Printer 12 Printer and Profiles - DRIVERONLY=TRUE|FALSE

Only valid with Subscription licenses.

This option must be used with the CONFIGPRINTER option to install a custom named printer with custom settings instead of the Raster Image Printer 12 printer and system profiles that are normally installed. See Installing a Customized Printer for full step-by-step instructions for installing custom printers with preset options, locked settings and custom printer names. Often used in conjunction with SHOWUI, NOEDIT, NODASH, NOPMGR and NOPMGT to hide the printer desktop icons and dashboard.

Subscription License

pnrassubsetup_12.0.001.exe /S SHOWUI=FALSE DRIVERONLY=TRUE CONFIGPRINTER="C:\PEERNET\PrinterSettings.pnrasexport"

Hiding the Desktop Icons and Start Menu Shortcuts - SHOWUI=TRUE|FALSE

Only valid with Pre-Authorized Open Subscription licenses.

When installing a Subscription license across an organization, the IT department may not want the end users to be able to change the printer configuration. Desktop icons and start menu icons are normally created as part of the install. Passing in FALSE for the SHOWUI option will install the product but not create the icons and shortcuts. This is often used in conjunction with the CONFIGPRINTER, NOTIFYUI, NOEDIT, NODASH, NOPMGR and NOPMGT options when Installing a Customized Printer.

Subscription License - Do not show desktop icons or start menu shortcuts, notifications installed

pnrassubsetup_12.0.001.exe /S SHOWUI=FALSE CONFIGPRINTER="C:\PEERNET\PrinterSettings.pnrasexport"

Hiding the License and Update Notifications - NOTIFYUI=TRUE|FALSE

Only valid with Subscription licenses and on Windows 10 and higher, Windows Server 2016 and higher.

On Windows 10 and higher, and Windows Server 2016 and higher, a notification component is installed as part of the software. This utility validates the license status and will show a popup, or toast, notification in the lower right corner when the subscription is close to its renew date, or if it has expired. Notifications are also shown if a newer version of the product is available to download.

Passing in FALSE for the NOTIFYUI option will install the product with the dashboard but not add the notification components. To hide both the dashboard and the license and update notifications, use the second command line.

Subscription License - Do not check for license and update notifications

pnrassubsetup_12.0.001.exe /S NOTIFYUI=FALSE

Subscription License - Hide Dashboard and shortcuts, do not check for license and update notifications

pnrassubsetup_12.0.001.exe /S SHOWUI=FALSE NOTIFYUI=FALSE

Hiding the Profile Editor - NOEDIT=TRUE

Only valid with Subscription licenses.

When installing a customized printer setup with a locked profile, you may not want the end users to be able to edit the locked profiles. Passing in TRUE for the NOEDIT option to exclude the Profile Editor from the install of the product. The Edit Profile/Manage Profiles button on the Printing Preferences dialog will be hidden. This is often used in conjunction with the CONFIGPRINTER, SHOWUI, NODASH, NOMGR and NOPMGT options when Installing a Customized Printer.

Subscription License - Do not allow editing profiles from Printing Preferences

pnrassubsetup_12.0.001.exe /S NOEDIT=TRUE CONFIGPRINTER="C:\PEERNET\PrinterSettings.pnrasexport"

Hiding the Profile Manager - NOMGR=TRUE

Only valid with Subscription licenses.

Passing TRUE for the NOMGR option when installing will exclude the Profile Manager from the install of the product. If the Dashboard is still included, clicking the Edit & Create Profiles tile will show a view stating the feature is disabled. This is often used in conjunction with the CONFIGPRINTER, SHOWUI, NODASH, NOEDIT, and NOPMGT options when Installing a Customized Printer.


Subscription License - Do not allow editing and creating profiles

pnrassubsetup_12.0.001.exe /S NOMGR=TRUE CONFIGPRINTER="C:\PEERNET\PrinterSettings.pnrasexport"

Hiding the Print Management View - NOPMGT=TRUE

Only valid with Subscription licenses.

When installing a customized printer setup you may want to hide the Printer Management features in the dashboard. Passing in TRUE for the NOPMGT option will show a view stating the feature is disabled when the Manage Printers tile is selected on the Dashboard. This is often used in conjunction with the CONFIGPRINTER, SHOWUI, NOEDIT, NOMGR, and NODASH options when Installing a Customized Printer.


Subscription License - Do not allow print management

pnrassubsetup_12.0.001.exe /S NOPMGT=TRUE CONFIGPRINTER="C:\PEERNET\PrinterSettings.pnrasexport"

Hiding the Dashboard - NODASH=TRUE

Only valid with Pre-Authorized Open licenses.

When installing a customized printer setup you may want to hide the printer dashboard completely from your users to keep them from editing profiles or changing printer configurations. Passing in TRUE for the NODASH option to exclude the Dashboard from the install of the product. This also prevents the dashboard's desktop icons and shortcuts from being created as part of the install, even when SHOWUI is not used. This is often used in conjunction with the CONFIGPRINTER, SHOWUI, NOEDIT, NOMGR, and NOPMGT options when Installing a Customized Printer.

Subscription License - Do not show desktop icons or start menu shortcuts

pnrassubsetup_12.0.001.exe /S NODASH=TRUE CONFIGPRINTER="C:\PEERNET\PrinterSettings.pnrasexport"