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Creating and Customizing Profiles

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Document Conversion Service includes several sample profiles for common types of output files for your use. The default set of profiles are installed into the following location:

Default profile location:

C:\ProgramData\PEERNET\Document Conversion Service\Profiles

Custom Profiles

You can use the sample profiles above as a base to edit and create your own custom profiles. Custom profiles can be stored per user in the user's application data folder. Both the local and roaming data folders are searched when looking for user profiles. If a profile is found in a user location, that profile will be used. If no matching profiles are found in the user profile locations, the default profile location is searched.

User profile locations searched in this order:

C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\Document Conversion Service\Profiles

C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Document Conversion Service\Profiles

When using the PEERNET.ConvertUtility.dll and the command line tools, the full path to a profile stored elsewhere on disk can also be passed instead of the base name of the profile.

See the section Conversion Settings for information on the contents and structure of the profile files, and the Name-Value Tables for Conversion Settings for the conversion setting strings to use to get various output formats.

Included Sample Profiles

The profiles included with the Document Conversion Service install are listed below.

See below for E-discovery specific profiles, and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) profiles.

Profile Name

Profile Description

Adobe PDF Multipage

Creates Adobe PDF files. The PDF files created using this profile are, where possible, vector PDF files. Vector PDF files are also known as searchable PDF files. The other PDF profiles provided create raster, or non-searchable PDF files.


What this profile cannot do is create a vector PDF from an existing raster PDF (scanned PDF) or other image formats such as TIFF or JPEG.  A vector PDF is only created if the source document contains text or vector graphics already.

Adobe PDF To RTF

Creates a Rich Text Format document from a PDF file. Does not work with other input file types. only PDF documents.

BMP 100dpi Color

Creates Windows Bitmap images (one image for each page) at 100dpi. Bitmap images are always serialized.

JPEG 60dpi Color

JPEG 120dpi Color

JPEG 200dpi Color

JPEG 300dpi Color

JPEG 600dpi Color

Creates color JPEG images (one image for each page) at the dots per inch (dpi) specified. JPEG files are always serialized.

PDF 200dpi OptimizedColor Serialized

PDF 300dpi OptimizedColor Serialized

Creates serialized (one file per page) PDF documents at the dots per inch (dpi) specified. Color is optimized per page to reduce file size.

PDF 200dpi OptimizedColor

PDF 300dpi OptimizedColor

Creates a multipaged PDf document at the dots per inch (dpi) specified. Color is optimized per page to reduce file size.

PDF A-1b 200dpi OptimizedColor Serialized

PDF A-1b 300dpi OptimizedColor Serialized

Creates serialized (one file per page) PDF/A-1b compliant PDF documents at the dots per inch (dpi) specified. Color is optimized per page to reduce file size.

PDF A-1b 200dpi OptimizedColor

PDF A-1b 300dpi OptimizedColor

Creates a multipaged PDF/A-1b compliant PDF document at the dots per inch (dpi) specified. Color is optimized per page to reduce file size.

Text to Adobe PDF Multipage

Text to TIFF 120dpi Monochrome

Profiles for use when converting text files to a searchable PDF or TIFF. Uses the Text - Builtin converter. Page size is auto-detected; see Built-in Text Converter Options for all text settings. Works for all text sizes including wide format (landscape oriented) text files such as those generated on mainframe systems or other reporting systems.

Text to A3 sized TIFF 120dpi Monochrome

Text to A3 sized PDF 120dpi Monochrome

Deprecated; use Text to Adobe PDF Multipage or Text to TIFF 120dpi Monochrome with the Text - Builtin converter instead.

Profiles for use when converting text files using Word to a specific size of paper. These profiles target wide format (landscape oriented) text files such as those generated on mainframe systems or other reporting systems.

TIFF 120dpi Color LowJPEG

TIFF 150dpi Color LowJPEG

TIFF 200dpi Color LowJPEG

TIFF 300dpi Color LowJPEG

TIFF 600dpi Color LowJPEG

Creates multipaged color TIFF images at the dots per inch (dpi) specified. Images are compressed using low quality JPEG compression. This can give a smaller file size but a lower quality image.

TIFF 120dpi Color HighPEG

TIFF 150dpi Color HighPEG

TIFF 200dpi Color HighPEG

TIFF 300dpi Color HighPEG

TIFF 600dpi Color HighPEG

Creates multipaged color TIFF images at the dots per inch (dpi) specified. Images are compressed using high quality JPEG compression. This can give a higher quality image but also a larger size file.

TIFF 120dpi Grayscale

TIFF 150dpi Grayscale

TIFF 200dpi Grayscale

TIFF 300dpi Grayscale

TIFF 600dpi Grayscale

Creates multipaged grayscale TIFF images at the dots per inch (dpi) specified.

TIFF 120dpi OptimizedColor

TIFF 150dpi OptimizedColor

TIFF 200dpi OptimizedColor

TIFF 300dpi OptimizedColor

TIFF 600dpi OptimizedColor

Creates a single multipage TIFF image at the dots per inch (dpi) specified. Color is optimized per page to reduce file size. File is compressed using Group 4 compression for monochrome and LZW for all other color types.

TIFF 200dpi OptimizedColor HighJPEG

Creates a single multipage TIFF image at the dots per inch (dpi) specified. Color is optimized per page to reduce file size.  File is compressed using Group 4 compression for monochrome and high quality JPEG compression for all other color types.

TIFF 200dpi Monochrome Serialized

Creates serialized (one file per page) black and white TIFF images at 200dpi.

TIFF 200dpi Monochrome

Creates a single multipage black and white TIFF image at 200dpi.

TIFF 204x196dpi Monochrome Fax

Creates a single multipage black and white fax format TIFF image at 204 x 196dpi.

TIFF 204x196dpi Monochrome Fax ReverseBitOrder

Creates a single multipage black and white Group 4 fax format TIFF image at 204 x 196dpi with a reverse bit order of least significant bit to most significant bit (LSB2MSB). Often needed for fax boards.

TIFF 204x196dpi Monochrome Fax Group3 256GreyPalette

Creates a single multipage Group 3 fax format TIFF image at 204 x 196dpi using a grayscale palette.

TIFF 204x196dpi Monochrome Fax Group3 256GreyPalette ReverseBitOrder

Creates a single multipage Group 3 fax format TIFF image at 204 x 196dpi using a grayscale palette with a reverse bit order of least significant bit to most significant bit (LSB2MSB).

TIFF 204x196dpi Monochrome Fax Compatible with FCC

Created fax TIFF images matching the format created by the Fax(TIFF) profile used in PEERNET File Conversion Center. Provided for use by clients migrating from File Conversion Center to Document Conversion Service.

TIFF 300dpi Allow Javascript PDF

This profile is the same as the TIFF 300dpi Otimized Color above but also enables the processing of Javascript, if present, in PDF files when they are converted using this profile.

TIFF 300dpi Color Fax

Creates a single multipage color fax format TIFF image at 300dpi.

TIFF 300dpi OptimizedColor ExtractText Serialized

Creates serialized (one file per page) TIFF images at 300dpi. Color is optimized per page to reduce file size. Text content, if available, is extracted and saved as separate files with the same base name as the output images.

TIFF 300dpi OptimizedColor ExtractText

Creates a single multipage TIFF image at 300dpi. Color is optimized per page to reduce file size. Text content, if available, is extracted and saved as a separate file with the same base name as the output image.

TIFF 300dpi OptimizedColor Serialized

Creates serialized (one file per page) TIFF images at 300dpi. Color is optimized per page to reduce file size.

TIFF 300dpi OptimizedColor SplitByPageCount

Creates a sequence of multipaged 300 dots per inch TIFF images. A new file in the sequence is started based on the page count set by the SplitFileEveryNPages setting. When auto-splitting files, serialized naming profile is always used to name each file in the sequence.

TIFF 300dpi OptimizedColor SplitByFileSize

Creates a sequence of multipaged 300 dots per inch TIFF images. A new file in the sequence is started when the current file exceeds the file size set by the SplitFileSizeThresholdInBytes setting. When auto-splitting files, serialized naming profile is always used to name each file in the sequence.

Text to A3 sized TIFF 120dpi Monochrome

Text to A3 sized PDF 120dpi Monochrome

Profiles for use when converting text files in Word to a specific size of paper. These profiles target wide format (landscape oriented) text files such as those generated on mainframe systems or other reporting systems.

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Profiles

Profile Description

Adobe PDF OCR to Searchable

Adobe PDF OCR to Searchable Serialized

These profiles can be used to perform OCR when converting to PDF with any of the PEERNET built-in converters installed with Document Conversion Service. Optical Character Recognition (OCR for short), searches for and recognizes text (characters) on scanned pages or images and extracts it as digital text included in the PDF file.

E-Discovery Profiles

Profile Description

eDiscovery - Excel - PDF 300dpi Convert Charts Only

eDiscovery - Excel - TIFF 300dpi Convert Charts Only

For use with Excel documents, these profiles will print only the embedded charts and any chart tabs in the document.

eDiscovery - Excel - PDF 300dpi Show Formulas

eDiscovery - Excel - TIFF 300dpi Show Formulas

For use with Excel documents, these profiles will print any formulas from any cells as a comment at the end of each sheet. If a comment already exists, the formula is inserted before the existing text. For Excel documents, a tracked changes history sheet is created if tracking is enabled, background colors are removed, text is changed to black and conditional formatting is removed.

eDiscovery PDF 300dpi AutoField Replace

eDiscovery TIFF 300dpi AutoField Replace

For use with Word, Excel and PowerPoint e-discovery, these profiles will show all data in the documents and where possible, replace any auto data, time and file fields in headers, footers, and in the case of Excel, in cells too. For Excel documents, a tracked changes history sheet is created if tracking is enabled, background colors are removed, text is changed to black and conditional formatting is removed.

eDiscovery PDF 300dpi Monochrome Fit On Page

eDiscovery TIFF 300dpi Monochrome Fit On Page

For use with Word, Excel and PowerPoint e-discovery, these profiles will show all data in the documents. The output created is black and white.  For Excel documents, each sheet is fit to a single output page, a tracked changes history sheet is created if tracking is enabled, background colors are removed, text is changed to black and conditional formatting is removed.

eDiscovery PDF 300dpi Span Pages

eDiscovery TIFF 300dpi Span Pages

For use with Word, Excel and PowerPoint e-discovery, these profiles will show all data in the documents.  For Excel documents, tracked changes history sheet is created if tracking is enabled, background colors are removed, text is changed to black and conditional formatting is removed.