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The IPNDocConvQueueItem object is the main object for using the PNDocConvQueueServiceLib COM API to communicate with the Document Conversion Service.

The IPNDocConvQueueItem object also holds the settings used to convert the file. The settings are stored as a dictionary collection of key-value pairs where the key is a unique string for each value. The value can be any object although strings are mainly used.

Settings are added by calling the Set method for each setting you need to configure. You can test for settings using the Contains method, retrieve the settings with the Get methods and remove them using the Remove method.

If you need to convert many files using the same conversion settings you would create a single an IPNDocConvQueueItem object with the desired settings and reuse that same object for each file you want to convert.

If you need to specify different settings for each file you are converting you have the choice of altering the settings collection as needed for each file before converting, or creating an new IPNDocConvQueueItem with its own settings collection for each file.

Two functions, WaitForRunningDocumentConversionService and WaitForAvailableConverterPlugIn allow you to synchronize long running applications such as a watch folder service with the Document Conversion Service being up and running and ready to convert.


Public Method   Contains

Determines whether the settings collection contains the specified key.

Public Method   Convert

Converts the source file to the output file using the converter specified.

Public Method   Get

Gets the value associated with the specified key name.

Public Method   Remove

Removes the value with the associated key from the settings collection.

Public Method   Set

Adds the specified key and value to the collection.

Public Method   WaitForAvailableConverterPlugIn

Waits until the converter has been loaded by the Document Conversion Service or the time-out interval elapses.

Public Method   WaitForRunningDocumentConversionService

Waits until the Document Conversion Service is running or the time-out interval elapses.


Public Property   Errors

Read-only; A collection of IPNDocConvQueueItemError objects. This collection will be empty if the conversion succeeds.

Public Property   Files

Read-only; A collection of IPNDocConvQueueItemFile objects. There will be one object for each file created.

Public Property   Images

Read-only; A collection of IPNDocConvQueueItemImage objects. There will be one object for each page in each file created.

Public Property   Jobs

Read-only; A collection of IPNDocConvQueueItemJob objects. There will be one object for each print job created by the conversion service.

Public Property   Messages

Read-only; A collection of IPNDocConvQueueItemMessage objects. There will be one object for each information message reported by the conversion service. This collection can be empty.

Public Property   Pages

Read-only; A collection of IPNDocConvQueueItemPage objects. There will be one object for each page in each file created by the conversion service.


Public Property   OnCloseFile

This event is fired each time a file we are creating is closed.

Public Property   OnEndConversion

This event is fired when the conversion process is complete for the source file.

Public Property   OnEndImage

This event is fired each time a new image for a page is completed.

Public Property   OnEndJob

This event is fired each time a single job for a file has completed printing. Some files create multiple jobs.

Public Property   OnEndPage

This event is fired each time a new page in an output file is completed

Public Property   OnGetNextOutputFileName

This event is fired each time a file name needs to be created but as it is easier to pass the desired output file name in the Convert method this event rarely needs to be handled.

Public Property   OnLogMessage

This event is fired when informational messages are logged by the conversion process.

Public Property   OnOpenFile

This event is fired each time a new output file is opened or created as part of the conversion process.

Public Property   OnReportError

This event is fired when an error occurs during the conversion process.

Public Property   OnStartConversion

This event is fired when the source file is received to be converted but before the conversion process is started

Public Property   OnStartImage

This event is fired each time a new image for a page is created.

Public Property   OnStartJob

This event is fired each time a single job for a file has started printing through the converters. Some files can create multiple jobs.

Public Property   OnStartPage

This event is fired each time a new page in an output file is to be created