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Document Conversion Service 3.0

Navigation: Appendix

Application Factory Settings

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These settings can be used in both the application factory settings collection and in the global application factory settings collection. Settings in the application factory will override the global default settings.




Set to auto to automatically try and start the converter, true to enable the converter and make it required, and false to disable it.


The maximum size of the application pool for this converter. For best performance leave this set to "auto" to have the size of the application pool tailored to the capabilities of your computer. If this setting is not provided, or set to 0 or less, a single application instance will be created.


The application pool is dynamic and will start with a single application in the pool with new applications added as needed. If an application in the pool is idle, meaning it has not processed any conversions, for a certain amount of time it is removed from the pool. This is controlled by the AppTeardownIdleTimeout setting below.


Controls the number of times to retry converting a document if it was not successful on printing. Minimum value is 0, meaning we will not retry, and the maximum number of retries is 5. The default is 2.


Setting this value in the application pool level will override this setting in the Document Conversion Service Printer Pool section.


Sets the maximum number of pages that are allowed to be printed/spooled. The default value value is 0, meaning there is no limit. If a document exceeds this count, it enters an error state and no file is created. To limit how many pages to convert see the PageRange setting in General Converter Options.


Setting this value in the application factory level will override this setting in the General Application Settings section.


This option can also be overridden on a per document basis using profiles as described in Creating and Customizing Profiles.


Maximum number of documents each application can process before it is recycled and a new instance started to replace it.


This is set to 0 by default, meaning the application will not recycle.  


The maximum length of time to wait after the application has been initialized before Document Conversion Service initiates communication with the application. This value may need to be increased for machines running high volume with many other applications running.


Some applications need more time than others to complete their initialization. Enter in the length of time, in microseconds, to wait for the application to initialize.


The amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait before an idle application is closed and removed from the application pool. An idle application is one that has not processed any conversions in the specified time period. These idle applications are removed from the pool to free up resources. They are added back in on demand as needed.


This is set to 3,600,000 milliseconds (1 hour) by default in the global <AppFactories> section.


If this is set to 0, the applications in the pool will start dynamically but will not be dynamically removed from the pool. They will only be removed if they are recycled due to conversion failure or the settings for RecycleThreshold, RecycleVirtualSizeThreshold, RecycleGDIandUserHandleCountThreshold, and RecycleProcessHandleCountThreshold.


Some applications print synchronously, meaning control doesn't return toDocument Conversion Service until the file has been sent to the printer. In some cases we need to check the printer queue to see if the print action actually submitted a job. If it has not we fail the conversion gracefully. This setting is false for most applications.


The size (in 1024KB blocks) at which to recycle the application. For example, 1400000 is 1.4GB meaning the application will be recycled when its virtual size is larger than 1.4 GB. Is it important to keep this value below the 2GB virtual size for 32-bit applications. While you can disable the application recycling based on Virtual Size by setting this to 0 or removing the value completely, we do not recommend this.


The maximum number of combined user and GDI handles allowed for each application instance. When this number of user and GDI handles exceed this threshold the application will be recycled and a new instance started to replace it in the application pool. If this value is not set, or set to zero, the maximum number of combined handles is 8000.


The maximum number of process handles allowed for each application instance. When this number exceeds this threshold the application will be recycled and a new instance started to replace it in the application pool. If this value is not set, or set to zero, the maximum number of combined handles is 2000.


Determines if files with a size of zero (0 bytes) are skipped or failed when processed. When set to Fail, an error is produced. When set to Skip, the file is skipped and a message is produced instead of an error. Default behaviour is to fail the file.


These settings are used for development purposes only. They should not be used in a production system.

Setting Name



This flag should be false or removed completely on a production system. Not recommended when Starting and Stopping the Service.


Used for development purposes only. If the application can be run visible, and not all can be, it is shown on screen.