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Document Conversion Service 3.0

Navigation: Working With Document Conversion Service

Starting and Stopping the DCS Service

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Document Conversion Service was designed specifically to be run as Windows® service through the PEERNET Document Conversion Service Monitor 1.0 service. The monitoring service will watch the running Document Conversion Service instance and automatically restart the conversion service if it is terminated unexpectedly.

The monitoring service is installed as an automatic service under the user account specified during installation. This is usually the DCSAdmin account created as part of the install, or a different account chosen during the install.

When the PEERNET Document Conversion Service Monitor 1.0 service's start mode is set to Automatic (Delayed Start) the conversion service will run when the computer starts up, even when no one is logged into the computer. See Changing Document Conversion Service's Startup Mode for the steps needed to change PEERNET Document Conversion Service Monitor 1.0 service's start mode.

Starting and Stopping from the Dashboard

Starting and Stopping from the System Tray Icon

Using the Services Control Panel

Starting and Stopping from the Dashboard

1.First, in the DCS Dashboard, go to DCS Settings and click on on View Conversion Log to open the logging console. This allows you to monitor the service as it starts up.


2.At the top of the DCS Dashboard you have easy access to starting and stopping Document Conversion Service. To start the service, click the green play icon (). The status will change to Starting..., and move to Running once the service is running.



3.Logging messages detailing the status of the service will start appearing in the All Log Entries view in the logging console, if you have it open. When the Successfully started JobItemProcessor application message appears the service has finished initializing and is ready to start processing files.


4.The Watches toolbox displays the converters loaded. It shows the number of applications in each converter's application pool and status on documents received, processed or failed. The service auto-detects what converters can be run based on what applications are installed on the computer; if you do not see a converter listed that you expect to see check the logging messages to see why that application did not load.


5.To stop the service, do click the green stop icon () at the top of the DCS Dashboard. The status will change to Stopping... and go to Stopped when the service has stopped running.


Starting and Stopping from the System Tray Icon

1.From the system tray icon menu select View Conversion Log to open the logging console. This allows you to monitor the service as it starts up.


2.From the system tray icon menu select Run Conversion Service.


3.Logging messages detailing the status of the service will start appearing in the All Log Entries view in the logging console, if you have it open. When the Successfully started JobItemProcessor application message appears the service has finished initializing and is ready to start processing files.


4.The Watches toolbox displays the converters loaded. It shows the number of applications in each converter's application pool and status on documents received, processed or failed. The service auto-detects what converters can be run based on what applications are installed on the computer; if you do not see a converter listed that you expect to see check the logging messages to see why that application did not load.


5.Select Stop Conversion Service from the system tray icon context menu to stop Document Conversion Service. This menu item is disabled if Document Conversion Service is not running.


Using the Services Control Panel

The PEERNET Document Conversion Service Monitor 1.0 service can also be accessed through the Services control panel applet. From the Services control panel you can do the following:

start and stop the monitoring service

change the service Log On account

change the service start up type


Start the Service

1.Go to Start - Control Panel - System and Security - Administrative Tools - Services (or type "Services" into the search field on the Start menu).

2.In the Services control panel applet, locate the service PEERNET Document Conversion Service Monitor 1.0.

3.Select Start from left hand side.


Stop the Service

1.Go to Start - Control Panel - System and Security - Administrative Tools - Services (or type "Services" into the search field on the Start menu).

2.In the Services control panel applet, locate the service PEERNET Document Conversion Service Monitor 1.0.

3.Select Stop from left hand side.


Changing the Service Log On Account

1.Go to Start - Control Panel - System and Security - Administrative Tools - Services (or type "Services" into the search field on the Start menu).

2.In the Services control panel applet, locate the service PEERNET Document Conversion Service Monitor 1.0.

3.Double-click the service to open the Properties dialog.

4.On the Log On tab, change the Log On account to the desired account.


Changing the Service Startup Mode

Document Conversion Service is initially installed as an automatic (delayed start) service. The section Changing Document Conversion Service's Startup Mode under Advanced Configuration has complete instructions on changing the service startup type.