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Document Conversion Service 3.0

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Working With Document Conversion Service

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Document Conversion Service consists of the following components:

A dashboard application for quick access to licensing, managing and configuring DCS and Watch Folder services, samples and help resources.

The logging console used to monitor Document Conversion Service when it is running.

A user account, DCSAdmin, with administrative privileges, that can optionally be created during application installation. This account, or another pre-existing account with administrative privileges is required to run Document Conversion Service.

The Document Conversion Service, the main application that performs the conversion, which includes:

oA collection of converters for converting the most commonly used document formats.

oA suite of command line utilities for converting files and folders that can be called from the command line, in batch files, as scheduled tasks, or from any application that can call an external program.

oA .NET library, PEERNET.ConvertUtility.dll for converting files and folders that is callable from any language; C++, C#, VB, PowerShell, and others.

oA default payload plug-in for converting files; this payload can be called from any programming language with COM support.

oAdvanced configuration through its application configuration file.

PEERNET Document Conversion Service Monitor 1.0, the Windows service that runs and monitors the Document Conversion Service.

Document Conversion Service 3.0 printer used by the Document Conversion Service.

A system tray application that also provides quick access to common tasks.