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Document Conversion Service 3.0

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Installing Document Conversion Service Silently

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Document Conversion Service and the client PNDocConvClientSetup_3.0.exe can be installed silently allowing the main service application to be installed on servers using push software and to allow the client install to be bundled with custom software.

Installing Document Conversion Service Silently

Document Conversion Service can be installed silently using the following command line arguments. When the install is not run silently, the command line arguments are ignored except for the SHOWDASHBOARD argument.

The /S argument and the PASSWORD= argument are required, all other arguments are optional.



Silent installation was introduced in Document Conversion Service 2.0.018 in February 2015. Earlier versions of the 2.0 build, and previous install versions did not have the silent install options.










Sample Command Lines

pndscsetup_3.0.###.exe /S PASSWORD=”password”

Runs the setup silently with no user interface. If one does not exist, a local administrative account will be created for the user 'DCSAdmin' and using the supplied password.

If it already exists, the account will be validated and used with the supplied password. If the password is invalid, the install will fail.

pndscsetup_3.0.###.exe /S /L="C:\PEERNET\dcslog.txt" DCSUSER=”.\MyDCSAdminUser” PASSWORD=”password”

Runs the setup silently with no user interface. The account must already exist. It is validated using the supplied password. If the password is invalid, the install will fail. A log of the install, dcslog.txt, is created in C:\PEERNET. The directory must already exist.

pndscsetup_3.0.###.exe /S DCSUSER=”DOMAIN\MyUser” PASSWORD=”password” LAUNCHDCS=TRUE

Runs the setup silently with no user interface. The domain account MyUser will be validated using the supplied password. If the password is invalid, the install will fail. The install will launch Document Conversion Service at the end of the installation step.



/S - Silent Install

This will run the installation silently with no user interface (no setup wizard). Installing silently requires that the PASSWORD= variable be provided. When used without the DCSUSER= variable, the password is used to create or validate an existing DCSAdmin account. If a DCSUSER variable is provided, the password is used to validate that account. If the accounts cannot be validated, or the PASSWORD information is not provided the setup will terminate.

/L - Create a Logging File

Pass in a fully qualified path to a filename to create a logging file.



This argument is optional. If not provided we default to our local account DCSAdmin

The services and configuration for Document Conversion Service require a user account, local or domain-level, that has administrative privileges. We normally recommend that you let us create and use our local account DCSAdmin.

If you cannot use this account you can specify a different user through this argument. If using a domain account, you need to specify the domain and user name. The install process also needs to be able to validate the account. The setup will fail if the account cannot be validated. If you are using a different local account, specify the local account using the dot syntax for local, ".\MyLocalUser".



The install requires a user account with administrative privileges to initialize the services and configure for client-server conversion. A password must be supplied to create the DCSAdmin account, or validate the account if an existing one is used. If the account cannot be validated, or the password variable is not supplied, the setup will terminate.



This argument is optional and defaults to FALSE.  If passed as TRUE then the setup will automatically start Document Conversion Service when the install is complete.



This argument is optional and defaults to FALSE. If passed as TRUE then the setup will automatically start the Watch Folder Service when the install is complete.



This argument is optional and defaults to TRUE unless this is a silent install, where it defaults to FALSE. If passed as TRUE then the setup will automatically launch the Dashboard when the install is complete.

Installing PNDocConvClientSetup_3.0.exe Silently

This client software can be installed as a separate step from your application, called from your installation, or you can bundle it with your own install by using command line arguments to run the install silently.

There are two types of setup that can be controlled from the command line - BASIC, and FULL. The BASIC setup is the same as the Minimum install and only installs the required components for remote conversion in a client-server environment. The FULL setup is the same as a Complete install and includes the Watch Folder Service and sample code, the command line conversion tools and all additional sample code.

When the client install is not run silently, the command line arguments are ignored.






Sample Command Lines

PNDocConvClientSetup_3.0.exe /s PASSWORD=”password”

Runs the basic client setup silently with no UI. If one does not exist, a local administrative account will be created for the user 'DCSAdmin' and using the supplied password.

If it already exists, the account will be validated with the supplied password. If the password is invalid, the install will fail.

PNDocConvClientSetup_3.0.exe /s SETUPTYPE=BASIC DCSUSER=”.\MyLocalUser” PASSWORD=”password”

Runs the basic client setup silently with no UI.

The local account MyLocalUser will be validated with the supplied password. If the password is invalid, or the account not exist, the install will fail.

PNDocConvClientSetup_3.0.exe /s SETUPTYPE=FULL DCSUSER=”DOMAIN\MyUser” PASSWORD=”password”

Runs the full client setup silently with no UI.

The domain account MyUser will be validated with the supplied password. If the password is invalid, or the account not exist, the install will fail.



/S - Silent Install

This will run the installation silently with no wizard.  If no SETUPTYPE is specified, then a BASIC install is done.

The client install also requires that the PASSWORD= variable be provided. When used without the DCSUSER= variable, the password is used to create or validate an existing DCSAdmin account. If not provided the setup will terminate.



The client install requires a user account with administrative privileges to initialize the services and configure for client-server conversion. A password must be supplied to create the account, or validate the account if an existing one is used. If the account cannot be validated the setup will terminate.



Choose the setup type - BASIC or FULL. The BASIC setup only installs the required components for remote conversion in a client-server environment. The FULL setup will also install the Watch Folder Service and sample code, the command line conversion tools and all additional sample code.

When this argument is not specified, a BASIC setup is installed.



The services and configuration for client-server conversion require a user account, local or domain-level, that has administrative privileges. We normally recommend that you let us create and use our local account DCSAdmin.

If you cannot use this account you can specify here a different user. If using a domain account, you need to specify the domain and user name. The install process also needs to be able to validate the account. The setup will fail if the account cannot be validated. If you are using a different local account, specify the local account using the dot syntax for local, ".\MyLocalUser".